Saturday, 22 January 2011

Ben Muskett

Julie and I have just returned from a short break to discover the tragic news about Ben Muskett.

Ben was a music teacher at Llanidloes High School and a member of the Montgomeryshire Labour Party. He suddenly arrived in my life a few months ago with an email that was informative, funny, methodical and it simply spoke volumes about the author. You could tell that he was a thoroughly decent and likeable young man, who had already been incredibly successful in his short life. I rang him that same afternoon and we discussed several issues including football, I remember his closing words that day were "well the Tottenham game is starting, so I'd better be off!" He knew me too well in such a short time. We exchanged several emails thereafter, I know I'll keep them all as a reminder. Ben also knew he was going to play an important part in our Assembly campaign this year and he spoke of his delight in taking on that commitment. Tragically Ben died in a road accident on the A470 on the outskirts of Dolgellau on Friday, January 14. He was just 25 years old.

I already miss him, I'm sure his family are despairing at the void he has left. I am also saddened for the pupils that Ben taught, they too have lost something special. His infectious enthusiasm will undoubtedly have left a mark on their lives that will last forever.


Thursday, 6 January 2011

Why are the LibDems allowing this to happen?

If George Osborne really does think that raising VAT is 'progressive', could he explain how it helps over 2 million people in this situation?

Borrowing on credit cards to pay for 'essentials' like a roof over your head or food is clearly a dreadful situation for anyone to find themselves in. Blink and the next rent/mortgage payment is due, no doubt whilst the credit card bill not only remains unpaid, but is compounded by the added interest. Paying extra in VAT is the final nail in many peoples financial coffin. For the LibDems to proclaim that they stand for "Change for real, change for good" and to support the hardships this coalition is forcing on so many people beggars belief. Small wonder that 11% and falling will be Clegg's legacy to his party.
