Wednesday 29 October 2008

Anarchy at Radio 2, er...where's Jimmy Young?

When he has someone interesting as a guest on his BBC 1 television programme, Ross can't keep his mouth shut and allow us the benefit of hearing them talk. In the last few weeks I've endured his inane twaddle because I simply wanted to hear the likes of Sir Roger Moore and Tony Curtis recount interesting anecdotes from their careers. They each could have said so much more if the vacuous Ross allowed them to flow.

In this appalling Andrew Sachs episode, there is clearly an offence committed under the Telecommunications Act and I'm surprised that the Metropolitan Police have not yet been seen to initiate an investigation. If they were a pair of teenagers making similar harassment calls, they'd have long since been in custody and a file would be on its way to the CPS as I write. It is a sad indictment of our times that the cult of personality appears to diminish the role that the law plays in the lives of us 'mere mortals' who abide by it.

An even bigger surprise for me was that such programmes were broadcast by Radio 2. Strewth, the last time I tuned in I heard Jimmy Young read out a recipe for Corned Beef Hash!

At least the furore has reduced Ross to silence though. No doubt fearful of the retribution of the 1000 journos he once valued himself against!



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