Monday 16 February 2009

Bobbies on the street isn't rocket science

Congratu-bloody-lations!! This month’s award for stating the obvious goes to Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesperson Tom Brake with “We need officers on the street, not at their desks struggling to complete convoluted tick box forms.” His response came after the Home Secretary announced that a police survey in England and Wales will be scrapped to free up time.

Having wasted two weeks of my past life filling in such a form, I can assure the HS that I only filled it in with how I wanted it to look. If anyone really thought that as I worked a night shift on my own, I accurately reported what I was doing in fine detail, they are too naive for words.

What couldn’t be embellished was the ridiculous amount of time files took to prepare. It doesn’t need Jan Berry to carry out a review or Tom Brake to state the obvious. Here it is pure and simple, appoint civilian file preparation officers to do all the written work. Saved the Government a fortune in consultation fees there. Oh and for a radical view, how about reviewing deals for early guilty pleas. They’re fine, but let’s look at it from the other side, the time waster who runs up the legal aid bill for no other reason than stalling the inevitable, such as Janette Mercer. Her sentence, as all similar staller cases, should reflect not just her guilt of a serious crime, but the ridiculous brinkmanship she’s displayed. If more offenders who ‘know’ they are guilty, take advantage of the early guilty plea option, the CPS in turn would require less file preparation and police resources could then be targeted to more pressing matters. Have that one on me Jacqui!



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