Saturday 20 June 2009's the poor wot gets the blame

I'm thinking that the adage "One rule for us etc" couldn't be more true today than when I read government whip Mark Tami's reaction to the possibility of having over claimed on Council Tax. I'm trying to fit "I am going to look into whether I have over-claimed and if I have then clearly I will pay back any over-claim" into the scheme of things with a former constituent of mine who was summoned into an office, cautioned and then interviewed for failing to notify the appropriate authority of his newly acquired employment status, some two days after his right to JSA ceased!

I certainly don't remember him being allowed to casually consider the option of paying back any over-claim and I can vividly recall him being reduced to tears in our discussion by the ridiculous threats he'd received of a jail term as punishment for his neglect.

In the mother of all democracies, I guess there's still a giant chasm between an MP and a labourer in a brick works!



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