The Tory arrogance will NEVER go away
Next year will see the 20th anniversary of Thatcher’s demise and the ensuing 7 years of Major’s sleaze and general hypocrisy exampled by his ‘back to basics’ whilst conducting a 4 year extra-marital affair. If you’re of an age like mine, that 20 years still only puts you back to a time when our girls were very young and we struggled to pay our mortgage, especially when Lamont raised rates 3 times during my drive home from work in Llangollen on Black Wednesday. So say if you are under 30 with a young family and a mortgage, you can only take other peoples recollections as proof of just how bad things were.
Thanks to the likes of Duncan and now Hannan, younger people can catch a glimpse of what the future would be like with a government led by Cameron. The NHS, so important to ordinary folks to safeguard our health, has always been a success the Tories particularly loathe simply because they represent a Britain where private healthcare is affordable. Queue jumping via the chequebook will always be acceptable to them and theirs and consequently it is treated with disdain. It isn’t difficult to obtain figures of today’s waiting lists and those of the Thatcher/Major years or put in another term, the last time they tried to dismantle the jewel in our social crown. Hannan didn’t just diss the NHS to the American public, he dissed the whole nation in a manner Lord Haw-Haw would have been proud of. Those unfortunate to be involved in a road accident today, those who suffer a heart attack, those who go into labour, those whose children fall over and break bones, those who..….well just simply millions of people who appreciate the NHS is there for them, will know Hannan is simply wrong! Several of my friends currently receiving treatment for cancers can categorically state that they have received treatment and care second to none. My pal whose teenage daughter is similarly receiving treatment for a brain tumour swears she's been blessed to have been in the care of the medical staff at Walton in Liverpool. Patients and service users clearly have a higher opinion of the NHS than Hannan.
Polls showing Cameron’s supposed chasm of a lead over Brown have squeezed out the old Tory arrogance similar to lancing a boil. It is always there, but whilst in opposition it has to fester just below the surface. Johnson occasionally leaks some out in London and sadly Londoners are going to suffer for 3 more years after ‘teaching Brown a lesson’ last May. Cameron must cringe wondering which fool is next to let a gaffe out of the bag, the awful truth of what a Britain led by the uncaring Tories would be like. Thankfully they will continue to maintain the old arrogance and their belief in the politics of selfishness, enlightening those who haven’t experienced it for real throughout their adult life to appreciate what they have and what they could lose in the future.