Saturday, 6 March 2010

Problems in Perspective

I took part in the first session of sifting through the mountain of applications for a Carers small grant yesterday. There is a great deal of sadness mixed in with the pleasure of knowing we are helping many Carers who have applied to AVOW for a small amount of funding to help with decorating, gardening or a short holiday. When one reads of applications to help pay for a few days away together because this time next year a cared for partner simply won't be here, you can't help but be moved. It's a humbling experience to be taking part in, but more importantly it is a startling reminder that a lot of the superfluous crap that goes on in our lives is exactly that, superfluous. The circumstances facing so many of our fellow citizens means they have little to be thankful for, yet they face each day with such fortitude and optimism. Life, health and happiness really are the only goals that truly matter.



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