Wednesday, 17 March 2010

There must be no cover-up concerning this allegation

My former council colleague Neil Rogers is 100% spot on with his call for an independent inquiry into the appalling claims that child protection referrals in Wrexham have been “binned” in the past. I am saddened and certainly not re-assured to read Wrexham’s Chief executive Isobel Garner readily admit “we found one or two irregularities” and that the team manager was the subject of disciplinary proceedings.

The most vulnerable members of our society deserve better than that. If they have been denied the best possible protection in the past and indeed placed into positions of danger, then those responsible need to be brought to account. If as I suspect this matter has been exacerbated by the swingeing and miserly budget cuts wielded year upon year by the present administration of ‘anyone but Labour’, we all have a right to know!



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