Sunday 27 March 2011

Cruelty is not entertainment

I have been totally horrified to view the video obtained by Animal Defenders International of an elephant being regularly beaten by a thug working for a traveling circus. One thing I do know from my police service days is that very rarely do the 'good guys' get lucky and catch the wrong 'uns at the first attempt. Similarly I'll wager that ADI didn't manage to catch the first cowardly bully abusing animals in this shocking way.

In the world that we live in today, is there really a place for traveling circuses that trawl from town to town with stressed animals for supposed human entertainment? I don't think so myself and if I'm elected in May, I'd like to see the Assembly take a humanitarian lead on this and ban the use of animals in circuses in Wales. Of course a totally human circus is fine, but I find the animal versions wretched. The RSPCA say "76 per cent of the Welsh public supports a ban on the use of wild animals in circuses". Think about that in relation to the 63.5% who recently voted YES in the referendum and you realise it's time to do something about it.



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