Wednesday 21 October 2009

Morons in the stratosphere

Wouldn’t you have loved to be one of this fool’s fellow passengers, stuck waiting for 3 hours while the plane was taken apart in a search for the missing phone?
There’s a certain breed of halfwit that travels on a jet plane these days. The moment the wheels touch the runway they can’t help but reveal themselves. Despite numerous instructions to the contrary, they’re out of the seat and unloading baggage from the overhead locker whilst the plane is still taxiing. That’s so they can then stand for at least 10 minutes and wait for the steps to arrive. In the meantime, the phone is on because they really are so important, the FTSE would tumble without confirmation of their safe arrival in Malaga.

Hopefully Jet2 will invoice the particular individual for the cost of their actions. That might keep them at home for quite a while!



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