Wednesday 7 October 2009

The Navajo Nation

The only plus point of being stuck in bed ill since Saturday, was I actually watched Jamie Oliver on television last night. I was particularly interested because Jamie's thoughts on the people he met were an echo of how we'd found them to be last year.

They are the earthiest people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. A typical conversation with them always began with "Where are you from?" and upon hearing the reply "Wales" we would then be asked "What animals do you graze there?"

Kayenta or Tó Dinéeshzhee in Navajo is a pleasant place to spend time. We ate in a restaurant where I made the mistake of thinking a Navajo taco would be similar to a Mexican taco! It's bigger than the largest pizza and twice as filling! Every shop also had a photograph of Geronimo on the wall. The Navajos are delighted when they hear you recognise him. He has remained their folk hero, as he deserves to.

We'd gone primarily to visit Monument Valley and it was brilliant. However some fellow travellers directed us to the Valley of the Gods. Well worth the effort to get there. Not another human being in sight!



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