Wednesday 18 November 2009

Is Jenson English or British?

I’ve made a formal complaint to the BBC about bias this morning. Now before I sound too much like Victor Meldrew I have to say I don’t make a habit of this sort of thing, but they’ve really got my pip with this.

Today they proudly proclaim on the BBC Sport website that Jenson Button joining Lewis Hamilton at McLaren means an “all English” team. Alongside this headline is listed a tennis headline. Reading that story I quote “Britain's Andy Murray has been drawn in the same group as world number one Roger Federer”.

So because the English journalist who wrote this story has no English tennis star to report on, Andy Murray (a proud Scot) becomes ‘British’. However when it suits the BBC, English F1 drivers remain exactly that, English. Now it may sound pedantic to some, but trust me it is bloody annoying to those who are conveniently tossed aside from the United Kingdom when it suits the BBC. Still at least I now fully understand why so many Scots support 2 teams, Scotland and anyone who’s playing England.



Hmmm.....'Britain's' has been changed to simply 'Andy Murray, yet McLaren remain an 'all English team'.


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