Friday 26 March 2010

More Airport Dodgy Dealings

I've been contacted about my post of the 17th, regarding the weighing of luggage at airports. Enquiries are ongoing at this time by the appropriate authority so I'll leave it at that. However, someone else contacted me yesterday regarding the post. It seems it rang a familiar bell with them and they recalled a story from two weeks ago whilst travelling back from the Canaries. Apparently she was behind a man at check-in who placed his suitcase on the scales to be told it was two kilos over the allowance. He replied that it was impossible as he had been below the allowance flying out, had bought absolutely nothing that he was taking home and in fact had binned a pair of trainers and used toiletries whilst away, so the suitcase should have been lighter. Upon hearing this, the check-in girl simply said 'ok' and allowed the suitcase through without any payment!

I'm starting to get extremely suspicious about this potential 'excess baggage' scam.



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