Tuesday 29 June 2010

The party of law & order? You 'aving a laugh?

Back during the Election, I was told I was 'scaremongering' when I warned that Cameron would take his lead from Johnson in London, where there are now 455 fewer Police officers than in 2008. The traditional party of law & order wouldn't do that to our nation, some even tried to tell me on the doorstep that Labour were 'soft' on criminals and yet the news was all about our prisons bursting at the seams with no room to spare. Not exactly leaving the ordinary citizen to the mercy of criminals there then. Well now this, no less than the President of ACPO Sir Hugh Orde is warning of fewer officers on our streets. The truth is the Tories and the FibDems have no idea what our streets are like for the majority of us. Why should they? They only venture out onto them once every 5 years!



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