Friday 19 September 2008

Van Gogh museum, Amsterdam

Still on the subject of Dutch culture, though this of a much more artistic variety. Last Sunday I was lucky enough to spend part of my birthday in the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam. Until that day, I had never been fortunate enough to view any of his work in the flesh. I found this beautiful work titled 'Almond Blossom' to be my favourite of the 200+ items on display. Van Gogh painted it in 1890 upon receiving a letter from his brother Theo announcing the birth of his nephew, also named Vincent in honour of his uncle. It symbolised the beginning of life. The younger Vincent growing up to eventually donate his father's collection to the nation.

Whether Vincent senior would react favourably to visiting the museum that houses his works today is an interesting topic for debate. Personally I think that the man who understood and respected the hard lives of labourers and peasants, would shudder at the crass stupidity of anyone visiting the museum shop and buying a ballpoint pen priced at a measly 250 euros! Considering he used his paintings to pay for necessities such as Absinthe and a roof over his head, it does seem bizarre and just a tad obscene.



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